India is now on the Moon! – India becomes the first country to Land in Southern Polar Region on Moon



India’s Chandrayaan-3 Moon mission has paved way for a new beginning by successfully completing soft-landing on the southern pole of the Moon. This is a historic moment for ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), India’s premier space agency. ISRO made available the live feed of the landing through its’ official Youtube channel.  Around 7.5 million people watched the stream live and witnessed the historic moment of Vikram lander’s soft landing on the Moon’s surface. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, also congratulated the Chandrayaan-3 team, ISRO as well as the entire Indian scientific fraternity on this accomplishment. PM Modi watched the landing live from Johannesburg, South Africa. He rightly said India is now on the Moon.

NASA also congratulated ISRO on the successful Lunar south pole landing.

Pragyan Rover, which is inside Vikram lander, will come out in a few hours to explore Moon once the dust on the moon settles. Pragyan rover will explore moon surface and is expected to send a lot of useful data back to ISRO.

Next, India is also working out a joint lunar exploration with Japan, in which India will provide the lander and Japan the launch vehicle and the rover. The robotic mission, named as LUPEX, is also bound for exploring the South Pole of the moon.

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